Home » Blog » You can also create a child theme from your custom theme.

You can also create a child theme from your custom theme.

, it is recommended that you never modify the theme directly. The next time you update the theme, your changes will be overwritten and you will lose all your customizations. This also applies if you modify a WordPress plugin. Install an extension If you want to make functional modifications to your theme, it is advisable to use an extension. An extension can be as simple as adding a field to a post. Creating an extension rather than adding code to the file allows you to kThere are a large number of free plugins that extend the functionality of WordPress.

 If you are using a theme downloaded through a theme directory

You can find them on the free software extensions directory: child theme  Korea WhatsApp Number Data WordPress Plugins Directory Among the most famous extensions we find  which allows you to transform your WordPress site into an ecommerce site. If you are hesitating between creating an extension or adding the code directly to the theme, ask yourself this question: Do I want to keep these changes if I change the design of my site in the future? If the answer is yes then these changes are functional and you should create or install an extension. Installing a child theme The final option for customizing your theme is creating a theme.

If you want to make changes to the design of your theme

Such as graphical changes, it is advisable to create a child theme. A child theme  WS Phone Number works in tandem with its parent theme. A few lines of code tell WordPress that it should use the parent theme as a base while replacing some parts with the information in the child theme. So your changes made in the child theme will override the information contained in the parent theme. A child theme needs two files to work: style.css The style.css file contains commented information indicating that this is a child theme and what the parent theme is. functions.php The functions.php file will allow you to modify the design of certain elements using wordpress hooks . If a file is not present in the child theme,

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