Example it can be use to decide whether this or that option should be left in the main menu. Or if users tend to click on some theoretically relevant button on the page. Color scale should be use for more than just CTR. Hotjar also offers a feature to check to what point, more or less, users have scrolle down on a particular subpage. This is extremely useful because it allows you to find a single inflection point in your website. p> 3. CSS code status The W3C’s CSS Validation Service lets you check if a validator thinks your CSS is valid. However, it is worth noting that manipulation of web design has been done this way for a long time now, many of the instructions in CSS apply to a specific browser, for example.
Also available in conjunction
In this case, they are not universal, so testers can “spread” errors in a similar situation. Therefore, all warnings must be analyze individually. Most database of them will probably be 100% correct, but it may be that some of them are better left untouche. 4. HTML code state the state of the HTML code in terms of semantics, its correctness. Bold font, starte but not close, a paragraph wrappe around a header, an image without an ALT attribute – among others, these errors will be pointe out to you by the W3C Markup Validation Service.
If you want to check
The validator above only works for a given subpage address. I, for example, several hundre subpages, Bulk W3C Validator will come in handy. Bulk URL WS Phone Number validation is with the aforementione CSS – Bulk W3C CSS Validator. 5. Meta tags Meta tags contain basic information about each web page. They include, for example, the page title and description. They can be seen in Google’s search results, that is, in the so-calle SERPs.