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The Commission also stated that civil

According to a notice from the Public Service Commission cite by Free Malaysia Today, any civil servant who calls his colleagues “Sayang” and “Dear” is committing verbal sexual harassment. As for touching, grabbing, caressing, kissing, squeezing, hugging, and getting close, it is considere physical sexual harassment. It is reporte that civil servants using these words at work will hinder their work and may even be considere sexual harassment.

Currently the Malaysian Public

Service Commission has classifie the sending of “sexy text messages”, that is, sending sexually suggestive pictures and texts, as sexual harassment.  servants will also face disciplinary action if they have UK Phone Number List extramarital affairs. According to Section 4A of the Public Service Regulations (Conduct and Discipline) 1993, all such crimes may be subject to. Disciplinary action, including absence from work, failure to clock in, submitting false sick notes, drug abuse, posting public statements on social meia and illegal procurement.

At the same time the statement issued

Phone Number List

By the Disciplinary Office of the Public Service Department will also classify civil servants’ extramarital affairs as disciplinary violations. The actions that can be taken include warnings, fines, deprivation of salary rights, postponement of salary changes, salary cuts, demotions or dismissals. Dr. Karim, a linguist in our country, explaine that such Argentina Phone Number List affectionate terms should be use during love or flirting, and using them at work will cause discomfort to others. For example, when the police visit the public, if they call the other party “baby” or “dear”, it will destroy the serious working atmosphere.

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