Every website owner should know at least a little bit about the traffic flow of their website: users spend a lot of time on the website from which location (subpages) they most often leave the website li> how many subpages they see on average which are the most popular regardless of whether users are willing to click the button website is properly optimize for SEO And so on and so forth. So let’s look at what parts of the whole ecosystem are useful to check from time to time, and what tools will be useful in this. I would like to point out that there are many types of data that can be analyze – below are just a few examples. Website analysis – what should be checke and with which tools? 1. The state of structure data Structure data was more recently calle structure data.
Web pages can sometimes have problems
They play a supporting role, that is, when inserte into the page code, they “explain” to search engine bots what specific parts of the page are. Asterisks to rate a blog article or a movie in a cinema, breadcrumbs, clear enumeration of address elements (split by street name, zip code, city, etc.) are examples of elements that implement or support phone number list structure data. We as users can finally visually see “what is what”. Robots that analyze with this, so they nee to be supporte. The structure data testing tool is the place to check if. In other words, if structure data is embede in your website, the specifie tester will list it and show any errors. 2. Clickability of elements and scrollability of subpages.
Are slightly more likely
Website analysis is often performe using a very popular tool calle Hotjar. It is known for offering users the introduction of so-calle heat maps in WS Phone Number websites. As you can see in the image above, the areas highlighte in blue are sometimes clicke by users. Green and yellow to be clicke, while orange and re are the most. A heatmap shows the level of interest in the relevant website elements in terms of click-through rates.