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 Speed ​​of creation The first reason is that creating

a site with WordPress is quick. You can have a decent version of your site after just a few hours of work. Installing WordPress is simple. It only takes a few minutes. Then, using the right themes and a few plugins, you can have a first version of your site. Obviously, if you are starting from an existing site that you want to migrate

 If you want a completely personalized site

Then yes it will take more time. To further facilitate the creation  UK WhatsApp Number Data of professional sites and improve their quality, applications have appeared under the name “Site Builder”. These applications such as Thrive Architect , then allow you to build an optimized, stylish and functional site, without getting your hands into code. I personally use Thrive Architect because it’s part of a Thrive Themes product suite to optimize conversion rates. I am very satisfied with it! Thrive Architect gives me the ability to use site and page templates, which allows me to create a simple site of a few pages in less than an hour. I’ve provided you with an affiliate link if you’d like to try it: If you do not necessarily

Want to use a site builder, you will use

one of the many paid or free themes available for WordPress. These  WS Phone Number themes allow you to change the overall appearance of your site. Here too, the free and easy installation allows for rapid creation of a website. I have selected my favorite free themes for you here: Free WordPress Themes: Allegiant – Ocean wp – Isle mag – Astra Theme 2) Marketing plugins and features. Plug-ins are types of applications that you can install quite easily and which will allow you to add a wide range of functionality.. You are not a prisoner. You can easily change platforms if you wish in the future. Website creation  reasons to still use WordPress in 2021 1 Some CMS offers on the market force you to stay on their product. Your website is only


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