books on marketing . It will help you build an effective marketing plan in a simple way, especially if you are a Do you work in marketing and want to improve in certain facets of this field? Do you want to know the trends in your sector and promising new practices? Whether you are an employee, entrepreneur, freelance, consultant or career change, here are the best marketing sites and blogs to follow in 2021. is a good blog, more “Acquisition” oriented but you also have to look elsewhere!
Satisfy your curiosity or stay up to date
The Moderator’s Blog: for quality marketing monitoring Simply essential Taiwan WhatsApp Number Data wishing to deepen their knowledge in digital marketing, Le Blog du was launched in 2007 with the aim of informing all those involved in the web . The numerous published articles deal with SEO as well as community management, social networks in general, SEA, design, development and marketing. The opportunity for professionals in the sector to carry out quality monitoring . News, surveys, studies, presentations of applications and software, decryptions… it’s all there! BDM logo Thanks to its expertise, its seniority and its general side, Le Blog du constitutes an excellent source of information.
Whether you want to broaden your knowledge
With new developments, in order to adopt them or not in your WS Phone Number business, you will find what you are looking for. Also interesting: the wide selection of tools (BDM Tools) classified by theme (productivity, social media, tech, SEO, etc.). Each tool has a description and an opinion from the blog team, to help you make the right choice! a complete media for entrepreneurs More recent since created in 2012, has become, in just a few years, a reference media for entrepreneurs, both novice and experienced., the site positioning itself at the .it is often better to have a simple and easy to understand strategy than a very detailed strategy, but less well understood and less followed over time to achieve. When you start your business, you want to do something simple and effective.