suited to your needs and your budget. Most entrepreneurs and marketers are not good salespeople. Entrepreneurs are too attached to their project. Marketers are often too analytical or too creative. For my part, I am very attached to customer satisfaction. That’s good, but I’m not a shark, a hunter. I don’t consider myself a good salesman. In short, selling is a job! But we can always improve. To improve my skills in this area, I have always carefully analyzed the sales teams with whom I have worked, whether now at Toucan Toco or in my past experiences.
your chance of selling is based on
I actually believe that there are many things from a commercial point of Kuwait Email List I can use in my marketing strategy. I will tell you about it in this article. To go a step further, I decided to buy Jordan Belfort’s book, entitled “ Selling: the secrets of my method ”. Jordan is this colorful character made famous by Leonardo DiCaprio’s interpretation in “The Wolf of Wall Street”. By reading it, I obviously wanted to understand the real story behind this film. I wanted to know more about his method. And by reading it, I immediately understood that I was going to be able to use certain techniques to improve my marketing campaigns .
The combination elements: your product
I will not “spoil” the book for you, but will give you the few WS Phone Number concepts, simplify them and adapt them to marketing. Jordan Belfort, his “Straight Line” method, my marketing reading Although I do not endorse every aspect of Jordan Belfort’s methods on a business level, there is no denying in reading his book and watching his journey that his method which he calls ” Straight Line ” works. Many aspects of his methodology concern the relational aspects of a business relationship: listening, the way of speaking or confidence are examples. They are more difficult to transcribe on marketing aspects. But I will show you that the very basis of his m marketing. The “Straight Line” method is based on the notion of the “Three Tens”. When you start a business relationship with an individual,